Anime Season Winter

Winter Anime 2021 Week 9 [Check-In]





Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun thankfully gets back on track as it dedicates its latest episode to resuming the thorough erosion of Tomozaki’s social shell – proving to be pretty sweet and fun in the process. Regardless if they’re “practice” dates, real dates or just generally meeting; Our cast has an underlying pleasant chemistry that makes these routine scenarios enjoyable – allowing Nine to fundamentally get away with generous amounts of shopping, restaurant trips and overall socializing while Tomozaki progresses to and knocks-down his assigned tasks without feeling boring or limp. And this is well complemented by a fine layer of charm covering this episode’s bigger beats, finding good payoffs through the newfound comradery of Mizusawa, and the sheer adorableness that oozes from Kikuchi’s cut of the content. It’s good to see episodes like this being pumped out again and hopefully they’ll keep on coming.

Horimiya (9)

“Illustrating inconsequential quirks and people in their lives as they stroll to some undefined finish line.”

Horimiya is apparently drifting its way towards a conclusion, offering a ninth episode that feels like a mild OVA in terms of weight and execution. As simultaneously poor and typical as this episode’s pacing was, the real issue here is that Horimiya’s narrative has basically turned into thin air, meaning it’s shifted from regularly attempting to portray the meaningful social and romantic waltz between our leads to just kinda illustrating inconsequential quirks and people in their lives as they stroll to some undefined finish line.

This could work if the show had the level of articulation and care to pull it off, but sadly, CloverWorks isn’t doing it those favors here – and with that said, there’s just not enough substance to Miyamura trying to manage Hori’s kink or competency when the episode turns towards Tanihara’s rabbit thematics for either one to be effective. I’m not sure if this is how things are going to be from here on out, but for a show that would greatly benefit from a strong finish, it’s a shame to see one of the few remaining episodes spent like this.

Wonder Egg Priority (8)

“Easily digestible for a wide variety of viewers”

We’re apparently in recap mode this week, and thus, Wonder Egg Piroity’s usual knack for well polished, thoughtful servings of content will be on the back burner until next time. Be that as it may, episode eight isn’t completely without value; Naturally, with episodes like this, there really isn’t anything to unpack that already hasn’t been – however, the Accas’ elaboration of key points of the material, characterization, and terminology is at least straightforward enough to be easily digestible for a wide variety of viewers. Wonder Egg Priority does have a degree of nuance to it, so if you’ve been iffy on some of the show’s common workings this is a good episode to clear things up. And if you’re not, this is at least direct confirmation for what you might have already assumed.



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